Took the Cessna 152 that I first soloed in up to Oroville and came back via Grass Valley in the foothills towards Lake Tahoe — beautiful spring day with a lot of green!
- KEDU Davis, University
- KOVE Oroville
- KO06 Lake Oroville
- KGOO Nevada County
- KEDU Davis, University
Reflections on flooded fields:
Somewhere around Kirkville:
The Sutter Basin bypass
View over the Sutter Buttes, a set of hills that stick out in the northern central valley:
Lake Oroville
View over the Sierra Nevada towards Lake Tahoe
Nevada County Airport KGOO, Grass Valley
Downtown Sacramento
Sacramento Executive Airport KSAC
Sacramento International Airport KSMF
Decending over Davis towards University Airport KEDU